Brazil has become “the breadbasket of the world” and already leads world exports of seven foods, says BTG
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Truck loaded with soybeans in Mato Grosso. Paulo Whitaker/REUTERS

With just over 200 million inhabitants, the country today produces enough food for the caloric needs of approximately 900 million people, equivalent to 11% of the global population


Brazil already leads global exports of at least seven foods, according to a report distributed to clients this Monday (4) by BTG Pactual, which calls the country the “breadbasket of the planet”.

According to the bank's survey, Brazil has become the world's largest exporter of soybeans (56% of total exports), corn (31%), coffee (27%), sugar (44%), orange juice (76%), beef (24% ) and chicken meat (33%). Furthermore, it is the vice-leader in sales of two other commodities: ethanol and cotton.

With just over 200 million inhabitants, Brazil today produces enough food for the caloric needs of approximately 900 million people, which is equivalent to 11% of the global population.

The report cites a series of numbers to show the Brazilian “miracle of tropical agriculture”. Grain production, for example, rose from 47 million tons in 1977 to the current 312 million tons. Agricultural productivity has increased by 58% since the year 2000 — in the same period growth was 37% in emerging countries and 32% in advanced economies.

BTG Pactual notes that agricultural financing has migrated, over time, from a profile based on official subsidies to a market line. For the 2023/24 harvest, 67% of financing resources are private and only 33% originate from the government.

According to the bank's survey, only 8% of Brazilian territory is occupied by crops – the proportion is 14% in Argentina, 18% in the United States and China, 58% in France, 61% in India.

“Brazilian pastures are still poor in terms of quality and productivity,” states the report, estimating that 40% of the 73 million hectares used for livestock farming are “moderately or severely degraded.” Therefore, they can be converted into plantations and further increase the cultivated area.


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