With 72 billion dollars, RJ breaks record in exports and imports in 2023
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Photo: Marco Antônio Teixeira

By Altair Alves – March 6, 2024


The trade flow is the largest since the beginning of the history series, in 2000. Oil and gas exports remain the main focus, but the trade in passenger vehicles registered an increase last year


The state of Rio de Janeiro recorded, in 2023, the largest trade flow since the beginning of the historical series, in 2000, reaching US$ 72 billion, with record values in both exports and imports, presenting a trade balance of US$ 20 billion. The state remained the second largest player in national foreign trade, with a share of 12.4%, behind only São Paulo. The information is from Rio Exporta 2023 bulletin, prepared by Firjan International, with data from Foundation Center for Foreign Trade Studies (Funcex) and from Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex) of the federal government.

The year 2023 was fantastic for the Brazilian trade balance. We had the highest value in the historical series and the industry in Rio de Janeiro also behaved in an exemplary manner, largely driven by oil. It also demonstrated the potential of other vocations in our economy, notably the automotive industrial chain in Southern Fluminense, which is an example of other chains that can be formed in the state. Firjan has always been a great partner of this industry and of the Sul Fluminense Automotive Cluster”, analyzes Rodrigo Santiago, president of Firjan's International Relations Business Council.

The state's passenger car exports (US$ 304 million) rose by 17%. It was the second largest positive variation among exported products, with growth especially in the Argentine market. An example is the result of Nissan.

For companies to remain competitive in the international market, it is essential to have a healthy business environment, logistical structure and political understanding, so that we can maintain a balanced operation. Our Resende Industrial Complex turns 10 years old in April and we are consolidating a structure that will increasingly allow us to serve other markets. As a result, in 2023, we had a growth of 32% in our exports of vehicles produced in the state of Rio de Janeiro compared to the previous year. In the coming years, we expect to continue growing”, declares Fernando Flórido, director of External and Government Affairs at Nissan do Brasil.

Fluminense exports

Fluminense exports totaled US$ 45.9 billion in 2023, stable in relation to 2022, and imports totaled US$ 25.9 billion in 2023, 2% higher than the previous year. The USA remained Rio de Janeiro's main trading partner, both in exports and imports, excluding oil. In exports, sales to the USA represent 39% of participation in the state balance.


“The USA is the main importer of industrial goods in Rio de Janeiro, ahead of Europe. This adds value to exports, as they are more expensive products. Large companies such as Celma, Gerdau and Embraer opened businesses and transferred part of the production process to North American lands. This generates a strong and consistent increase in bilateral trade”, analyzes Josefina Guedes, advisor to Firjan's International Relations Business Council and director of GBI Consultoria Internacional.

In exclusive oil exports, it is also possible to highlight an increase of 31% in sales to Asia, due to the advance of 124% in shipments to China (US$ 626 million). And in imports, the European Union, the second largest importing block, increased by 19%, with emphasis on France It is Germany.

In the state's total exports, oil and natural gas (US$ 36.1 billion) increased by 2% compared to 2022, and reached a share of 79% in Rio de Janeiro's sales. Also noteworthy is the increase of 35% in shipments of machinery and equipment (US$ 567 million).

In total imports, it is worth highlighting the increase of 13% in landings of intermediate goods (US$ 14.2 billion), with an increase of 14% in purchases of other transport equipment, such as parts of aviation engines and turbines (US$ 3.3 billion ).

In the trade of crude oil, China (US$ 17.2 billion) maintained its position as the main buyer of the product from Rio de Janeiro, with a 48% share. Regarding imports, Rio recorded a decrease of 17% in the volume of oil landed. A Saudi Arabia continues as the main supplier, while purchases from Guyana grew 356%.

In 2023, the average price of a barrel of oil reached US$ 91.73, indicating a drop of 15% in the price index of Rio de Janeiro's exports of the commodity. The total quantities exported increased by 16% compared to 2022. In the machinery and equipment sector, there was an increase of 173% in the quantum index.

Source: https://diariodorio.com/com-72-bilhoes-de-dolares-rj-bate-recorde-em-exportacoes-e-importacoes-em-2023/

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